Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Goodbye 2015. Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out.

2015 swooped in like a hurricane: erratic and high-pressure, leaving everything in shambles behind it. Every new year feels like a mini era in my life. For example, 2007 was the year of Amy Winehouse, Timbaland and new adventures. 2009 felt cold. 2012 was the year of change and self-exploration. 2014, the year of stability.

And 2015? The year of the hurricane. And it didn't take long to knock me off my feet.

It seems like every end of December is hopeful. Every year, we're ready to shed the baggage of the previous year and start fresh. But this year that rings true more than ever before. If it goes as expected, 2016 could be the best year of my life. I'm getting married. I might be able to get pregnant if I'm lucky. I'm expecting some exciting career shifts. I'll travel to Argentina and Chile.

So here are a few of my goals/resolutions for the new year:

  • Get pregnant: This is the big one. Our egg donor + IVF combo will cost $40k (which is precisely how much our wedding costs). We set up a "honeyfund" so our friends and family can donate. I am hoping that we'll raise at least $10K to help ease some of the burden. We get married in July and the goal is to pick an egg donor sometime in August. I would love to do the embryo transfer by October 2016. 
  • Write a children's book with my fiance: We have an adorable concept and a passion for writing, so this is the year we're going to make it happen. Generally, this goal could also be coupled with "don't sit around and wait for success to happen." 
  • Prioritize my health: I neglected my health in 2015. I ate like shit, rarely exercised and overindulged in vices. I am usually an active, healthy person, so it's time to get back on track. I hired a nutritionist to kick start this process and have been working with her for the past five weeks.
I felt like more than three resolutions would be too much. What do you have planned for the new year? 

1 comment:

  1. you are a blooming rose and this year will be your best yet. I promise.
